The Tamil black comedy movie Andhagan, starring Prashanth within the lead position, has made its option to OTT platforms Aha Tamil. Launched in theatres in August 2024, the film is an official remake of the Hindi crime comedy Andhadhun. That includes a gripping storyline and a stellar forged, Andhagan brings to life the story of a blind pianist whose life turns chaotic after witnessing a homicide. The film has garnered sufficient consideration regardless of it being a remake and cinema lovers have loved watching it in theatres.
When and The place to Watch Andhagan
The movie is now out there for streaming on Aha Tamil as per the official announcement made on the platform X (previously Twitter).
Official Trailer and Plot of Andhagan
Andhagan follows the story of a blind pianist whose seemingly simple life spirals right into a collection of surprising occasions after he inadvertently witnesses a homicide. The plot unravels with a mixture of suspense, humour, and thrilling moments, reflecting the brilliance of its supply materials, Andhadhun. The trailer of the Tamil model had garnered vital consideration for its promise to ship a gripping adaptation, showcasing the expertise and chemistry of its ensemble forged.
Solid and Crew of Andhagan
The movie is led by Prashanth, with an ensemble forged together with Simran, Priya Anand, Karthik, Samuthirakani, Urvashi, Yogi Babu, and KS Ravikumar. Directed by Thiagarajan, who additionally serves because the producer beneath the Staar Films banner, the movie’s technical crew options Santhosh Narayanan because the music composer, Sathish Suriya because the editor, and Ravi Yadav because the cinematographer.
Reception of Andhagan
Upon its theatrical launch, Andhagan acquired reward for its performances and execution. It has an IMDb ranking of 6.7 / 10. Followers of the unique Andhadhun and newcomers alike can now discover this gripping Tamil adaptation.
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