OnePlus 13 and OnePlus 13R had been launched in India on Tuesday. The telephones are powered by Snapdragon eight Elite and Snapdragon eight Gen three SoCs, respectively. They ship with Android 15-based OxygenOS 15 and they’re outfitted with 6,000mAh batteries. The handsets are outfitted with in-display fingerprint sensors for safety and three-state alert sliders. The corporate has launched magnetic instances for the OnePlus 13 mannequin and a 50W AIRVOOC wi-fi charger, which can go on sale within the nation later this week.
OnePlus 13 Magnetic Instances, OnePlus AIRVOOC 50W Wi-fi Charger Worth in India
OnePlus 13 Sandstone magnetic case is priced in India at Rs. 1,299. The net itemizing of the protecting case shall be out there for buy within the nation beginning January 10 through the OnePlus India web site. The OnePlus 13 Wooden Grain magnetic half-pack case in Wooden Black end is marked at Rs. 2,299, whereas the OnePlus 13 Aramid Fiber magnetic case is listed at Rs. 2,499.
The OnePlus AIRVOOC 50W wi-fi charger is obtainable in India in a white colourway, and it’s priced within the nation at Rs. 5,999. It’s anticipated to be out there for buy quickly through the OnePlus India e-store. Notably, the OnePlus 13 India variant homes a 6,000mAh battery and helps 100W wired SuperVOOC charging in addition to 50W wi-fi charging.
OnePlus 13, OnePlus 13R Worth in India and Availability
The OnePlus 13 will go on sale within the nation beginning January 10, through Amazon and the OnePlus India e-store. The value of the handset begins at Rs. 69,999 for the 12GB + 256GB possibility, whereas the 16GB + 512GB and 24GB + 1TB variants are priced at Rs. 76,999 and Rs. 89,999, respectively. It’s supplied in Arctic Daybreak, Black Eclipse, and Midnight Ocean color choices.
Alternatively, the 12GB + 256GB and 16GB + 512GB variants of the accompanying OnePlus 13R handset are priced at Rs. 42,999 and Rs. 49,999, respectively. It’s out there in Astral Path and Nebula Noir shades.
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