Sonam Kinnar, a Minister of State within the Uttar Pradesh authorities, tendered her resignation on Friday, citing rampant corruption and arbitrary habits by officers throughout the administration. Sonam, who loved the rank of a Minister of State, submitted her resignation letter to the federal government, accusing the administration of perpetuating corruption and ignoring her issues.
In her resignation letter, Kinnar accused senior officers of malpractice, alleging that they have been concerned in distributing unlawful funds and turning a deaf ear to the issues raised by employees underneath her purview.
“The officers are distributing the cash. They don’t hearken to the employees,” Kinnar mentioned, expressing frustration over what she described as a scarcity of responsiveness from authorities officers. She additionally highlighted situations of corruption and scams inside her division, signaling a breakdown of governance ideas that led to her resolution to step down from her ministerial function.
Sonam’s resignation has escalated the continued tussle between the Yogi Aditynath led-Uttar Pradesh authorities and RSS- she belongs to.Â