Congress Common Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Thursday took oath as a Member of Parliament within the Lok Sabha after securing the Wayanad Lok Sabha seat. Congress chief Ravindra Vasantrao Chavan additionally took oath as a Member of Parliament within the Lok Sabha after securing the Nanded Lok Sabha seat in a by-election with 5,86,788 votes.
Priyanka gained the Wayanad seat with a margin of 4,10,931 votes towards Sathyan Mokeri of the Communist Celebration of India (CPI).
Wayanad, a stronghold of the Congress celebration, noticed a three-way contest between Priyanka Gandhi, BJP’s Navya Haridas, and CPI’s Sathyan Mokeri.
Earlier, Priyanka Gandhi expressed her happiness after receiving her certificates of election. She described it as an emblem of affection, belief, and dedication to shared values.
She shared a publish X and mentioned, “My colleagues from Wayanad introduced my certificates of election in the present day. For me, it’s not only a doc; it’s a image of your love, belief, and the values we’re dedicated to. Thanks, Wayanad, for selecting me to take ahead this journey to construct a greater future for yourselves.”
Priyanka expressed her gratitude to the voters for his or her assist after securing a Wayanad seat in by-polls.
By-elections have been held in 48 meeting seats and two Lok Sabha seats throughout 15 states, with key contests in Uttar Pradesh and Wayanad, Kerala, the place Priyanka Gandhi made her electoral debut.
(With PTI Inputs)